Trick And Treat

Syringe - a medical instrument used to inject fluids into the body or draw them from it. 

See how easy that sounds?

1.2.3. -Boom- Medical fluids are given and all should be well. So why is it when my 2 year old sees this magical piece of instrument, he screams bloody murder and run for cover? The sight of this little thing gives him the chills. 

It’s flu season. That means everyone one way or another is going to get sick. Since my son goes to daycare, there’s no surprise he came home with a cold from hell. Who would of imagine, 5 little kids running around coughing and sneezing on each other that no bodily fluids would be exchanged. I guess that’s just part of the package he gets when enrolled in Daycare. And to think I pay for this weekly.

As I tend to my sons whiny, overly attachment to mommy, I can’t do anything ways with love, hugs, and kisses. I went to get his medicine. Here he is following behind me with his favorite toy (so cute) to the bathroom. He was probably thinking I was going to do something else because the moment I reached for the medicine cabinet he yelped, dropped Buzz Lightyear, and ran into the room.

Hehehe, Gotcha!

-insert drama-

You could only imagine the kicking and screaming that came with the sight of the syringe. Mind you I have yet to give him the actual medicine. I think to myself, I am going to TRY and make this easy for the both of us.

1)     I do not want to force it upon him.
2)    I do not want to hold him down.
3)    I really do not have the time for his antics.

And we’re off….
 ....Off to a bad start.

I hold the medicine and the syringe and get a little closer. I feel like the evil villain walking towards my son as he walks back into the corner. There’s nowhere to run and there’s nowhere to hide. –Maniacal Laugh- I literally just played that whole scene in my head. As he is cornered I gave him several options.

1)     He could get the syringe or a spoon.
2)    He could choose a flavor.
3)    He would get a sticker afterwards.
4)    He would get an Ice Pop (for his throat/numb taste buds).
5)    I will do it (which is never up for debate).

After giving him his options, he looked at me as if I had three heads. Is this a trick he
thought? Why is mommy being so nice and calm about this? Who is this lady? I don’t like what’s going on here. I’ll just stand here with my eyes wide open and my mouth shut all the way. He has no faith in me when it comes to medicine time, as he should. I do not bargain when it comes to taking medicine.

I asked “cherry or grape?”. No answer, grape it is. Pointed to the syringe then the spoon. No answer, syringe it is. Showed him the sticker. I got a smile. I then said “Ice pop”, he opened his mouth. And with the quickness I put it to the side and gave him his dose.

He looked at me surprised and bamboozled. What just happened there? I looked at him and smirked. That’s just mommy giving you medicine like a boss.  

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  1. Awesome! Love that line about the evil villain. I go through this same sort of sequence every night when I try to brush my two-year-old's teeth.

    1. Ha! Don't get me started on the surgical procedure I have to perform every morning/night on brushing his teeth. That's a performance in itself.

  2. Like a boss! you're tactics are similar to mine. Luckily now the boys are pretty good about it and even ask for Tylenol hahaha. But when they've struggled, I say, "you've gotta take the medicine so We can either do this the easy way or the hard way. Which one?" hard=I have to hold your head still and possibly plug your nose so you swallow (only had to do that once and that was a wrap). Easy=you take it willingly, we all smile and move on. ☺ you did good mama!!!

    1. Lol! I always say that! Easy or hard, which way do you want it? He always goes for the hard way. There's something about that kid of mine. He's getting okay with it. And okay is an understatement.

  3. Great job! I'd say play with them - and they'll get through a lot. Hopefully, he'll get it easier next time. Love your post!

    1. Thank You! I really hope so. With age, comes wisdom. Hopefully he'll understand that this is just necessary whether he likes it or not.

  4. I love that you gave him options! I'm all over here like, just open your mouth or it's not gonna be pretty lol!

    1. I do the same as well. After a couple tries, I'm just over it. Then comes the hold down. It's a mess.

  5. l great job! Its never easy but sometimes they need to learn that Mom does things to help them, not because she's a psychopath, LOL. Great ideas!

    1. Lol! Psychopath. I wouldn't be surprised if he thought I was. Hahaha. Thank You.

  6. I am all about giving options, too! You did a great job :)

    1. Thank You. =) I gave him options but it was going to happen the way I wanted anyway. Hehehe

  7. I guess I may be the lucky one because my kids and my nephew have no problem taking their medicine. My nephew actually sucks on the syringe!!

    1. Can we trade a kid? I would love for him to take his medicine without an issue!

  8. My 10 and 13 still cream at that site.. i dont know why its just a little pinch.

  9. Like a boss! Any way you get get it down!!

  10. Hahaha, awesome. I love this. My 3 year old will not take medicine for the life of her!

    1. Thank You. You mean to tell me he'll continue this shenanigans? Lol

  11. Love this! Mine will only take medicine that is clear. Not red, not purple, not pink. Clear. Anything else is a nightmare. Thanks for the tips!

    1. Thank You. Your little one is pretty smart. Can't get anything over that one. Maybe I should try a clear medicine!

  12. This made me giggle :) I like the style of your writing!

    1. Hehehe Thank You! I had to laugh about it myself.

  13. I LOVE THIS!! We are experiencing the same battle with the syringe thing, I hate it! And I won't force him either. I pretend it is a plane and try to fly it into his mouth. It never we shall try "ICE POP!" Thank you so much, I needed this today. YOU ARE AWESOME!

    1. I tried the plane, that does not work on my son, EVER. He is not a fan of the syringe either but he never chooses the spoon. Weird kid. Ice Pop ALWAYS does the trick. It's a good chaser and it soothes his throat a little.

  14. I learned to embrace the evil villain within me to get that medicine into my kids. There was no way I was letting them win. Bwahahahahahaaa! >:D

    1. I like playing the evil villain mommy hehehe. It suits me well during certain situations. We shall embrace the dark side! Lol

  15. Thankfully I usually don't have problems with giving my princess any kinda meds.... But this is very useful to know if I ever have an issue ;-)

    1. You're welcome.=) I hope you do not have to go through this even though I highly doubt it. Count your lucky stars the alternative is not too pretty.

  16. I am pretty blessed that my kiddos never give me issues when taking medication. Needles on the other hand. Boy!!! Totally different!

    1. Needles, is a whole other situation. Even though I do not fear them, I don't like em at. As per my son needles are a "Oh no, gotta go mommy"

  17. I had to go through this with my oldest. So glad that is long behind me!

    1. I am counting down the days until he grows out of this phase. It can't come soon enough.

  18. I'm probably thinking he's afraid of the syringe because it looks like a needle and needles are painful. Lol I was terrifyed of them as a kid. Well, even now.

    Glad he took it afterall! :)

    1. He does get the option of a spoon but he just doesn't seem to ever choose it. He''s perplexed like that. Lol.

  19. Way to go! I love it how he handled it! It can be so tough handling kids when they're sick.

    1. Thank You. It certainly is a doozy when a 2 year old is sick.

  20. I never had problems giving my infant meds, however, now that she's a teenager, she still cannot swallow pills!

    1. Believe or not I am going to be 30 and still have a hard time swallowing pills. Lol I know it's quite pathetic but it's just something about taking pills. Never mind the horse size one. I ask my doctor if it comes in liquid form. I am such a big baby.

  21. This made me laugh.. I remember how difficult I was before..

  22. i never tought this was easy. thanks for sharing

  23. Awesome job! My son actually loves the taste of medicine and asks for it. I have to explain to him its medicine for when you don't feel good and not a treat.

    1. Lol! That's cute. He must really like the flavor.

  24. Haha! What a cute story. It really is a game of wits!

  25. My little one doesn't mind taking medicine he takes it so much! He has eczema and is constantly on either antihistamines or steroids! My oldest was a terror at taking it though!

    1. Awww that sucks. I know all about eczema too well. It comes and goes with me. Thankfully it wasn't severe but when if flares it's just the worst.

  26. When I worked at a daycare center, this was the only way to get medicine in the children's mouth. If not, next thing we knew, all of them were contagious and later we would get sick too. Gotta do what you gotta do.

    1. Yes we do. I sometime want to bring my son in with a ski mask over his face just for protection. Daycare is a breeding ground for germs. Ugh. Medicine should always be on stat.

  27. Glad you won the struggle. :-) Getting kids to take medicine can be quite a challenge. Mine think vitamins are candy, however.

  28. Love your mommy strategy! That's a challenging task!

    1. It definitely is a task. Thank you. It was quick thinking. =D

  29. lol...very cute post. I love how I can just imagine the mommy-son medicine struggle as I read your words. Very entertaining storytelling.

  30. awwww bless glad he got to take the medicines and hope he gets better soon.

  31. Hahaha I'm so trying this lol :P Great idea!

  32. That was quick thinking! I'll have to keep this strategy in mind whenever my daughter is sick. She hates, hates taking medicine.

    1. I had to seize the moment or had to happen. Lol

  33. what a great idea, haha! should try this next time hehe

  34. Great strategy! You're calmness tricked him :)

    1. I think that's what did it. He just couldn't believe it.

  35. I definitely don't miss those days of giving medicine to young kids. It was a totally miserable experience for all of us!

    1. Yes it is. I can't wait for the day for him to do it himself. More like really understanding the concept of medicine.

  36. Oh boy! He got the medicine in the end... haha

  37. My youngest will run from it and my lodes aske's for it. . .

  38. First of all I have to say you have such gorgeous hair. It's absolutely beautiful. Now with that being said... boy, did you bring back some yucky memories of trying to get my kids to take medicine. I tried everything to hiding or mixing it in something. Nowadays they have gadgets that help which is way cool.

    1. Thank you Marie. I didn't know they had gadgets. I will have to check it those out. So I won't come off as the evil villain.

  39. My kiddo only likes certain medicines. I supposed it's the flavor. I just have to get mean and give it to him when he needs it. They forgive us for doing what needs to be done.

    1. Yeah, they do when they need too. I knew he liked grape so I gave it to him. He hates the bubblegum flavor. Which makes sense because I hated that flavor as a child too. Yuck,

  40. My kids hated to take there medicine when they were little. It is good to give kids choices.

    1. I wanted to involve him in the process, even though at the end of the day, it was going to be my way.

  41. Way to handle that with finesse! Taking medicine is no small task!

    1. No small task at all. Had to mentally prepare myself for this.

  42. That is awesome that you gave him some options! Talk is worth alot!

  43. I'm so very glad that my kids have never fussed about taking medicine except for a couple times here & there. Although those times could have used a few extra people to make the process much easier. LOL

  44. haha like a boss! yes! being a mom means you have to put your creativity hat on and you did that!

  45. Yeah, I've had to play the wicked witch from time to time with the kids and medicine. I sure felt like a super star everytime I won :)

  46. LOL! I know that evil villain feeling :) What cracks me up about this also is can you imagine of someone did that to you as an adult - I"m pretty sure I'd be read to fight. :)

  47. Giving medicine to a small child is never easy. I know not only do I have a child but I just got finished working in pediatrics.

  48. Like a boss. Love it. Moms have to do what we have to do. Lol.

  49. I love that you gave him choices. Great job, mama!

  50. Great idea that you gave him choices. I've never had a problem giving my boys medicine. Heck sometimes when they were your son's age they would "fake" like they were sick so they could get medicine. :/ I have weird kids!

  51. Give medicine to my toddler is sometimes not easy too. If I have too, I give him a small candy after he drink his medicine :D About your question on my post, I use DSLR Nikon D60. It is an old one, but it work good for me.

  52. My toddler is actually great at taking medicine when it needs it. Great tips for parents, thanks for sharing.

  53. And mommy wins the battle! That was awesome! I don't want to jinks/jinx it (I don't know how you spell that. LOL), but so far I haven't had that experience with my kids. Because the only thing they take these days are Gummy Bears to make them strong, as they say. But man, I can just imagine the situation when it is about time you give your little one the medicine. It always have to be something fun and exciting with kids.

  54. My two year old is actually really good at taking medicine. It's my ten month old that I have to battle with! Any suggestions for that?

  55. My kids must be strange cause they love medicine lol They never given me trouble except when they were real young.

  56. My kids have gone through phases of taking medicine well. The more frequently they take it the less scared they are but every time we go a while after being sick we start all over with them being scared of the medicine.

  57. I love your story it is so cute. I remember these days. The villain really made the story. Thanks for sharing.

  58. Lol this was too cute and funny. My toddler is horrible at taking medicine!

  59. Too funny! My daughter is sick too, (we too are in daycare) except I am so far having excellent luck with the medicine. I feel my time is limited though and it won't be long before I am in the same boat as you!

  60. I do that too, use syringe to give medicine. It made my life easier because my kids can't really tolerate the taste.

  61. Is it weird that this is how I give my dogs medicine?


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