I never thought I would be the mother to ban TV shows (age appropriate of course) but after watching certain shows with my son. It was only a matter of time. I'm all for educational purposes. And even enjoy how some shows put music and teach kids how to act in certain situations. Some I can tolerate because I simply tune them out. Some on the other hand has got to go.
There are 3
television shows that are BANNED in my house. I know, I know, a little extreme,
well more than extreme but if my son ever wants to see the light of day, he is
not allowed to watch these shows. I was being sarcastic. He will live.
First culprit.
The infamous
He Who Must Not Be Named.
Is the Lord Voldemort of Television.
Trying to make children into pure unacceptable obnoxious brats.
He is the most annoying, disrespectful, whiniest child ever. Why is this bald headed child still on television? I mean really? His voice is annoying and everyone around him wants to get away from (speaks volume huh?). He is just the ultimate of effing annoyance. How the hell does his mother deal? Oh that’s right she doesn't she just give him what he wants to shut him the hell up. If I had a child like that, I would be a steady drunk, because I just could not deal with his shit sober. And even drunk, his ass would be up for adoption (I just can’t).

And I am serious. He is actually BANNED from my television. If his show comes on, I IMMEDIATELY change the channel. I won’t give that little fucker a chance to show himself to my child. My son already has his faults he doesn't need this jerk to empower it. Ugh! I LOATHE Caillou.
To break it
down, please don’t ever introduce your child to this annoying little child. He
is not worth the cartoon sketch just to watch. He is altering children minds to
become a whiny, over sensitive, self-centered brat.
Yo Gabba Gabba

I tried giving
this show a chance. I swear, I promise, but this one right here is just a
little too much for me. I couldn't get
past its initial purpose because I was tripping off the monsters. It doesn’t
have a whiny kid (thank God) but it has some colorful monsters and a guy that
jumps around and play music.
I understand it
has a positive side such as teaching children to be polite but does it need a
man in an orange jumpsuit dancing and parading around with a bunch of creepy
monsters behind him? Now when I think about it. He is wearing an orange
jumpsuit. Maybe they are subconsciously saying he is jail? This is his hell?
And anyone who watches it can also join the ride down under.
No parent has to
do any type of drug with this show on the air. If they ever need a trip, Yo Gabba
Gabba is available every day for the price of whatever your cable/satellite
provider charge.
Curious George
Am I the only
one that truly think this monkey is just a little too damn curious? They should
have made him a cat instead of a monkey, to show children that curiosity can
cause harm. I remember watching one episode and this little monkey had his own
adventure without any supervision. As all of them are but watching that
particular episode it dawned on me that this damn monkey is going to kill my
Okay, okay, he
won’t. I was just being extreme and over dramatic.

And why is Bill
the country boy such an ass? He’s a know it all. But here’s the kicker, he
doesn’t know George is a freaking monkey? What? Huh? I’m
confused. So EVERYONE knows George is a monkey but the self-proclaimed KNOW IT
Now Bill, if you’re
so damn good and proper how the hell have you not noticed this crap yet?
Huh Bill? Huh!?
Go play with your kite and fly your proper ass with it.
But here’s my
kicker, George isn’t completely banned from the house only because sometime I
need that crazed monkey around to keep my monster occupied. Yes! I know after everything I
have said that little monkey is allowed to come around sometime.
And when I say sometime.
He is as welcome as the in laws are.
And when I say sometime.
He is as welcome as the in laws are.
It's not good to show a whinny kid in television since kids may think it's ok. Kids are curious but their curiosity should be channeled in a positive way.
ReplyDeleteYes, if only the producers of that show would get the message.
DeleteCaillou was on my banned list. So is Sid the Science Kid.
ReplyDeleteSid the Science Kid is getting there. I don't know why he annoys me. Something about him rubs me the wrong way.
DeleteCaillou is so horrible. I've also banned SpongeBob, Teletubbies, and who knows what else. Rabbids Invade...OMG, nothing but random grunts and noises! So annoying.
ReplyDeleteOh yea SpongeBob is not allowed at all. I don't even think my son knows about Teletubbies (Thank God) my niece was obsessed with that show.
DeleteMy son doesn't watch any of these (thankfully!). Peppa Pig is banned in my house, I just couldn't abide having to buy all the crap that goes with the show!
ReplyDeleteLol Peppa Pig. I forgot about that show. The snorting is just a bit much for me.
DeleteI am so thankful my 10 year old daughter is too grown up for these shows! They sound hideous! I have always thought the same thing about the Yo Gabba Gabba myself!! Someone was seriously tripping when they made that one!
ReplyDeleteOh yea, seriously on some good stuff hahaha. Because there is no way in hell someone came up with Yo Gabba Gabba sober. I just refuse to believe it lol.
DeleteI've actually never heard of the first two shows- likely because I don't have kids! I'm sure once I do there will certainly be banned shows though- and limits on how long to watch TV in the first place!
ReplyDeleteConsidered yourself lucky. The first two are horrendous!
DeleteThanks so much for sharing this banned list and why. My kids are grown now but I'll pass it along to them to keep in mind for their kids. I've never heard of that middles show. Yo Gabba Gabba.
ReplyDeleteDon't go looking for Yo Gabba Gabba either. It's the devil, or wait that's Caillou. =D
DeleteWe watched all of these occasionally but it never affected my kids. They were never whinning but then they grew up in an adult environment so they were a bit matured and found whinning kids a bit annoying but were always very nice to them and try to distract them by being constructive and helpful. Glad to be over that period.
ReplyDeleteWhining is just unacceptable in my house. I do not tolerate it one bit.
DeleteAll I can say is I am so glad my kids are grown and I don't have to watch any of this. My daughter can figure out what to let the grandbabies watch all on her own!
ReplyDeleteLol. You want anything to do with this. Hahahaha.
DeleteI too do not allow my children to watch certain cartoons. I don't think its a bad thing.
ReplyDeleteNot a bad thing at all. Kids need boundaries.
DeleteI'm so glad my kids have outgrown these shows. I couldn't stand Caillou either. lol
ReplyDeleteCaillou is just the ultimate worst. You can't get any worse than him.
DeleteHaha, this is hilarious, but so so true! You have stated what many of us feel, but never say. Love it!
ReplyDeleteLol Thank You. I had to say something. It was bothering me. =D
DeleteI'm not sure I have ever had shows on my banned list. I've sat through shows with my eyes rolling and could not understand how my kids liked them but I still let them watch.
ReplyDeleteI know. Some other shows is okay. I just sit there and wonder where is the enjoyment?
DeleteI agree with Caillou whole heartedly. I really like Curious George and Yo Gaba Gaba, though.
ReplyDeleteCurious George gets a pass. He's alright, and he's cute. Hahha
DeleteOmg my princess is a Yo Gaba Gaba addict.... It drives me insane!!! Lol
ReplyDeleteMy nephew too. When he comes over. He doesn't even ask because it's not allowed. Hahaha
DeleteI haven't got any children at the moment but this post made me laugh! :)
ReplyDeleteLol. Thank You.
DeleteWell, I don't have children, but I can tell you this: When the local radio station plays "The Veggie of the Day" (a song from The Veggie Tales) right after I get in the car to go to work, I switch the station REAL fast. Can't stand it LOL
ReplyDeleteLol! As soon as the radio turns on you change the station. I don't blame you!
DeleteNever heard of other shows but I love curious George dont know why and rarely watch and dont have kids so I guess ok for me lol
ReplyDeleteCurious is just a little too curious for me. But besides that he's not a bad guy.
DeleteCaillou is the devil. He's the devil in a small child's body.
ReplyDelete^^^^ I couldn't agree anymore! Thank You!!
DeleteMy kids are grown but I banned Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Every time that show was on I had something broken in my living room.
ReplyDeleteTurtles in half shell?!!? Turtle power!?!? Lol when things start to break it's time to ban. =D
DeleteI've never seen the first two shows, but based on what you've said, they sound horrible. I like Curious George though, always have.
ReplyDeleteDon't ever watch the first 2. Noooooo.
DeleteMy kids were always too old to watch Yo Gabba Gabba, but from what I've seen of it, it seems weird. Calliou was annoying!
ReplyDeleteCalliou seriously needs to get off the air. Who is promoting this kid!?
DeleteI love this post!!! I can't stand Caillou. My girls love him and it drives me insane. His whiney voice grates on my nerves so bad!!!!
ReplyDeleteLol. Thank You. Caillou is on Netflix and I swear when I see him I zoom past him as fast as I can. I wish I could just remove him entirely His voice is the sound of hell.
DeleteOMG I am crying laughing! These all came out after my kids had already passed the right age for them - thank goodness. I can't stand Yo Gabba Gabba especially, and don't understand how it got to be a big hit.
ReplyDeleteYou are so lucky! You were spared from these nonsensical shows.
DeleteMy husband hates CAlliou too! He thinks he is whiny as well. Bah!
ReplyDeleteI've never had a problem with caillou. Ever. Lol, I see a lot of other people's kids acting like Caillou so sadly it's nothing new to me - my kids haven't ever acted out or wondered why he is the way he is, they just enjoy the show so we watch it on occasion!
ReplyDeleteYo Gabba Gabba on the other hand - can't stand! My kids won't even watch it if it comes oh they wander away!
I giggled so hard but agree with you some of these characters and shows are just plain crazy. What a way to teach your child to be whining brats. lol
ReplyDeleteI totally agree with you, you should have control of what your kids watch on tv. If it's not good for them, it's probably not worth their time.
ReplyDeleteIt is important to control what shows kids watch: my daughter is older so she does not watch those shows. But I banned some shows for her as I did not feel they are age appropriate or deliver the right message
ReplyDeleteSorry, I am lost here. Mother of adult sons so we don't watch any of these. Personally, I have thought of banning my husband from watching a few shows, LOL.
ReplyDeleteok my toddler doesn't watch much television but she has no idea who these are. She has never watched Sesame Street either. All she knows is Mickey Mouse Clubhouse and I love it that way.
ReplyDeleteWe had banned Barney in our house (it still "doesn't work" on our tv), but my son has watched it at daycare. He prefers Sesame Street and Super Why, and I'm good with that.
ReplyDeleteCracking up at this post! Love the honesty. :)
ReplyDeleteLMFAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OMG We didn't let our kids watch lmfao He Who Shall Not Be Named either. All he did was flip his damn top every time he didn't get his way. My husband and I were like, oh hell no... This entire post seriously made me laugh! Now that our kids are older only types of shows we don't allow them to watch are any ones with ehum bratty kids slamming doors and telling their parents I HATE YOU all over not getting like, an extra slice of pie for dessert. NOPE!
ReplyDeleteI don't have any kids, but Yo Gabba Gabba was always on my banned list if it is still around when I have them. LOL. Glad to see mothers here taking stands against terrible shows.
ReplyDeleteOMG!!! Just died of laughter!!! Caillou is a NO. I can't deal with that whiney child! Ugh... His voice just gives me nightmares!!! Thank you for the laugh!!!
ReplyDeleteI cannot watch kid shows even without a child. They drive me nuts!
ReplyDeleteI must agree with you, there's some really stupid TV shows which basically teach nothing and they are so annoying! Sanjay and Craig really annoys me but my daughter loves it for some odd reason, think I need to ban it...
ReplyDeletehaha we don't have kids yet, but i know i will get super annoyed having to watch shows like this with my kids. my husband actually been working all last year and created a kids webseries on youtube. not sure if you will like it or if it will make your ban list.. but you should check it out! https://www.youtube.com/user/thefuzees
ReplyDeleteI'm not really aware of kids shows as I don't have a kid yet, but only reading this makes me more sure that I'll ban TV for a while from my kids...
ReplyDeleteI don't know any of those mentioned but gosh!!!
ReplyDeleteMy kids are grown so I haven't seen these. There were a couple of shows that I banned them from watching though.
ReplyDeleteI haven't seen these shows. Whenever I go to my son's room, it is always "Full House" that I see. He recorded the reruns and watches them whenever he feels like it.
ReplyDeleteCaillou is also on my banned list!!! My daughter was obsessed with Gabba!
ReplyDeleteLOL YES!!! Yo gabba gabba and Cailou are banned from my house as well. I have 3 little boys under the age of 4. I don't need Cailou on my TV whining too!
ReplyDeleteI can't stand Caillou. Thanks a lot for teaching kids to be annoying brats, Caillou creators. That's just what everybody wants.
ReplyDeleteMy kids do not watch any of these! LOL! Thank God!
ReplyDeleteIs Caillou still on the air? That was on when my kids were little. I agree he is so whinny and a terrible cartoon for kids.
ReplyDeleteI was laughing so hard while reading this! Especially about Caillou. He's such a BRAT!
ReplyDeleteNo Caillou in my house. Also, I find Barney very annoying. In my area, Caillou is only on TV at 5 am or something, so no worries there. Spongebob is also banned but we don't have cable.
ReplyDeleteThankfully my girls are way to old for these shows. However I think we all have our own opinions on things.
ReplyDeleteIsn't it funny how most people don't even think about the programs having a negative effect on kids? I see how one would think it can have a negative effect on kids with a character you described. I never really thought about it much either. The difference between a show with violence and Bugs Bunny is there is no blood in the cartoon but violence is just as bad in both. .Thanks for sharing.
ReplyDeleteI really did LOL when you likened Caillou to Lord Voldemort. That's freaking hysterical - and accurate. I avoided Yo Gabba Gabba as well, but I differ on George - I love him. :)
ReplyDeleteI'm 39 and remember Curious George from when I was younger. He's a classic. Back then we didn't have much to pick from like kids do today. I guess I never really thought that he was annoying. I found him rather fun and enjoyable. Kiddo will watch him once in a while as they have a few things on Hulu and Netflix from time to time. The other 2, we've never watched.
ReplyDeleteHoly shit I'm dying! I'm at my kids gymnastics and I've read your take on Calliou aloud and we are dying laughing! It is so true, he is the most annoying thing EVER! I'm sending to my husband too. :) Thanks for the laugh and honesty!
ReplyDeleteI totally agree with you but I have to warn you about what's coming next; tween shows. The kids on them make Caillou seem charming.
ReplyDeleteFunny, I agree with you for one of the show. I just dont get it. At all. While I see you point for the other two shows, I confess I turn a blind eye because I enjoy them also. LOL
ReplyDeleteYo Gabba Gabba is by far the creepiest show ever! LOL I just can't watch it. But darn it if those songs are not catching! I had "Party in My Tummy" stuck in my head for months!!!!
ReplyDeleteI agree, I am more on the educational tv series with my 4 years old child
ReplyDeleteWe never watch that children's series. Because we don't live in the USA, but we do have teletubbies, Dora and Peppa Big.
ReplyDeleteYo Gabba Gabba Yo! hahaha I didn't like that one at first, but it totally grew on me. We had the CD in the car for over a year, so the songs stuck too, lolol
ReplyDeleteMy children haven't seen the first two, but the looks of them are enough to annoy me! I feel the same way about Sesame Street (this show always made my skin crawl for some reason), SpongeBob, and Thomas & Friends.
ReplyDeleteI totally feel you on Caillou. I can't stand the kid!
ReplyDeleteI think your decision to ban those TV programs is great. I don't allow my kids to watch Caillou because they may be influenced by his bad behavior.
ReplyDeleteIt's important to screen these shows because they set an example.
ReplyDeleteI haven't thought about banning shows yet because so far, all shows that my daughter watches arefine with me,