My Son - The Embarrassment.

My little one has quiet the temper. Actually he has THE temper.
I really don't know who this child is.

He is not mine.

And I do not claim him when we go out.


I don't know who he is. He's not mine.

I keep telling myself (it soothes me) denial is one hell of a mind trick, meanwhile my little monster is calling me mommy every step of the way.

Totally embarrassed by my son actions, I picked him up and put him back in the cart. That triggered an even more dramatic scene he had to present (I should really put him into acting school). He continued to act like a bloody fool, hooting and hollering all through the aisles. I walk on by the innocent bystanders who have to witness this tragic event with a weak and weary smile.

In my head, I'm thinking "shoot me now", "this kid is crazy", and "I am sorry you people have to deal with this". And in their heads they're thinking "would she shut that kid up", "that poor mom", "she has no control", "that child is crazy".

I am walking around with the spawn of Satan. This is Rosemary's baby all grown up.

I continued to do my shopping trying my best to hurry up before my son tries to do something spectacular (he goes out with a bang). And a big bang is something I do not want nor need in this arena. I try to keep him entertained between his meltdowns by giving him easy things he can put next to him (in the car).

I didn't give him the eggs (for obvious reasons) and the boy had to transform back to his maniacal ways. Why? I'm almost done (dairy is usually the last thing I pick up before heading out). He kept on screaming "no mommy, do it" (no mommy I want to do it) I told him "no, eggs are fragile and you will break them". That didn't sit well with him so he then proceeded to yell saying "that way" pointing back to the dairy section so he can put the eggs in. "That way mommy" "that way" was all anyone would hear who crossed paths with me on the way to the checkout.

Hallelujah! The light at the checkout was glowing and so was I. I promise you I never have been so happy to see the light up number at the checkout line. It was like a metaphor. The light at the end of this God forsaken tunnel and errand from hell is over. Just one more step closer to the car where he will conveniently pass out to refresh himself for yet another hysteria when we get home.

Sad to say, but that would be the last errand my son and I will do together for a while. I have to keep him contained and away from innocent people out there. Going forward I will run errands before his pick up from Daycare or leave him with grandma for a bit because I will not do this to myself again.

Oh who am I kidding? I will. But not anytime soon though. Nu-huh. That kid is not mine.

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  1. My 7 year old STILL Has epic public. Not all the time, but it's mortifying.

  2. Oh, I feel for you. It's so hard to get them to calm down once they're riled up!

    1. Yes, he is and certain words tend to trigger his emotions.

  3. I totally feel for you because I know what it's like. Luckily my son seems to have all his meltdowns at home but there's one shop we go into where he just acts up for NO reason. Least to say I don't bring him in there anymore :/

    1. I'm going to need my son to meet your son. I wouldn't mind his meltdowns at home but in public, uhmm...not so much. He's banned for a couple of months.

  4. Ugh. The meldowns are the worst. Especially when they really get going. It's like trying to stop a tsunami. It's impossible.

    1. Yes, tsunami is the best word to describe this meltdowns.

  5. It's difficult when kids have a short temper. It can be embarrassing in public places.

  6. Go alone! It's such a wonderful feeling!

    1. You're right. I started doing that and thought "why haven't I done this earlier!?"

  7. I went through several meltdowns with my son while out and about. One time he got a hold of the eggs and proceeded to throw them on the floor. After that I tried to go shopping alone.

    1. OMG! He went above and beyond his tantrum. Yes, that would be the last straw.

  8. This used to happen to us all the time.. once they get older it is much better..

  9. Gosh I know what you mean... I hate temper tantrums! I prefer shopping alone.

  10. Awwww hopefully it gets better when older :-/

  11. Meltdowns are no fun at all. But it's part of having children, though. Sometimes you just have to grin and bare it.

    1. Grin and baring is what I have been doing. Lol

  12. Aww your son is too cute! I hope the meltdowns get better when he is a bit older! Hang in there!

  13. I have a two year old and a 4 month old so I feel your pain. I try to go when he first wakes up or right after his nap seems to help.

    1. That's not a bad idea. Too lethargic to function.

  14. Oh gosh, there is nothing more embarrassing than a child throwing a tantrum in a store. I always felt like all eyes were on me. Judging me. Lol. I am glad those days are over. :D

    1. Lol yes, I feel bad for the others who have to witness my sons actions.

  15. i am so glad to be past that stage. But 17 isn't such a fun age either!

  16. Sounds like you do a great job keeping him under control. I'm sure its just a passing phase!

  17. My son used to throw tantrums when he was little. After getting ignored a few times, he learned that tantrums won't get him anywhere. You're handling it pretty well yourself.

    1. I usually ignore him. He'll calm down some but then start up again.

  18. Oh I'm so sorry! I can completely relate. Nothing is worse than my youngest daughter running away from me in public--screaming like I beat her--and making everyone think I'm trying to commit the most ridiculous kidnapping ever.

    1. OMG! I am so sorry! I can't even imagine how that feels. Man these kids.

  19. I have 5 children, when I am out and one of them has a melt down I want to hide under a rock. It happens unfortunately to all of us..

    1. I wish there was a rock every where I go with him so I can hide. =D

  20. Keep your chin up -- you're doing great!

  21. My first is a girl and I so wanted at least one boy! Well I got TWO boys! I have a 4y and almost 3y boys and they are absolutely terrible in public, at home, everywhere. Except my 4yo teacher says he is so polite and great at school!

    1. You would think the girls would have the drama. It's always the boys! I hope her politeness rubs off.

  22. You don't ever want to mess up with a kid, tantrum says.

  23. They will soon get over it. Don't worry.

  24. Best advice I could give is to try having your little one interact with you while shopping. I still have my kids help pick out produce, find funny photos on cereal boxes etc. ^_^

    1. I usually have him bring one of his toys or give him something from the aisle to keep him occupied. But he can become something else I tell ya.

  25. While this post may seem quite funny it is actually a struggle for many parents. Sometimes I think it bothers us more because we worry about what other people will think. All kids go through rough patches growing up and I don't think we should worry about it so much.

    1. Yes, if I didn't think much about how other people felt, I actually probably wouldn't care much.

  26. I can so relate! I can tell you my daughter and your son could be BFF. Although as of late she has managed to control herself primarily because I ignore her to the point where she questions her own existence. I particularly love when they are throwing their tantrum and someone comes over and offers them a lollipop! Oh yeah because it makes sense to reward this behavior?! I shoot Daggers!

    1. You know, I never understood that kind gesture. I mean thanks, but no thanks. That is the last thing my child need during his temper tantrum.

  27. I feel for you, I have three that are all grown adults, they never really had the terrible two's or that at any stage. My daughter just had a baby, we will see how it goes for her :-)

    1. Lucky! It must of skipped a generation. I hope your daughter doesn't have to go through it.

  28. I totally don't know my daughter either when we go out!

    1. Lol. They transform into someone else I tell ya.

  29. This usually happens with my toddler and usually in Victoria's Secret. She likes to spray the body spray and I usually say no which ends up with her having a meltdown. I usually say never again but it always happens. You'd think I'd learn by now. :)

    1. Oh don't worry, I am in the same boat as you. I just removed his banned status for the holidays. I kind of regret it but it had to happen. Lol

  30. We don't have many meltdowns but I have been embarrassed by things my son has said to other people in conversation. He has no filter and will tell people exactly what he is thinking.

    1. Oh no! I could only imagine the words that come out their mouths. It's a good thing to speak freely until.... lol

  31. I think this is something all parents go through. I have actually put my daughter in a corner at Walmart before for acting like a fool. I felt odd, and people stared, but it's better then letting her be crazy and people telling me to handle my kid. GOOD LUCK!

    1. I completely understand and agree. They are lucky I am keeping him contained and not out there running a muck. They should be thanking me. Lol.

  32. Kids really do know how to embarrass you. Hopefully for you this stage will pass quickly. lol

  33. I can totally sympathize with you. My son was a little devil when we were out shopping. He used to scream so loud you would swear we were hurting him.

    1. Oh gosh. You had a screamer. Lol. A screamer and a cryer walked into a bar. Lol.

  34. I was laughing while reading this because I can SO picture it all in my head! I don't have kids but have been with my mommy friends when this has happened and if they are honest with themselves (like you obviously are) they too feel like this. It's hard man! Much props to you for finding the humor in it!

    1. Thank You. I can only laugh at this stage in motherhood or else I would be somewhere in a ditch hiding from my son. Lol.

  35. Awww it's so tough when your kid goes full on temper tantrum in public haha I feel your pain! :)

  36. Ugh the meltdowns, will they ever end? My 5 year old has them all the time.

    1. We shall pray there madness will end. Hehehehe. If only.

  37. Well hopefully this is a stage he will outgrow at some point soon.

  38. my oldest is very strong-willed. Stay Calm. Stay Calm. that is the BEST thing you can do. They learn form you!

    1. You're right. Staying calm is the only way to be under these treacherous times.

  39. i think we all go through that at some point in parenthood. helps us with the next time.

    1. That's true. I don't think there will be a next time for me though.

  40. Maybe the more you take him, the better it will get? Staying calm and not giving in is very important! Your doing great!

    1. Thank You. I take him out frequently Lol as if he is a pet hahahaha but no I do take him out a lot he just has a bad temper.

  41. I have had those days. I think all parents get it


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