Welcome to Motherhood.

^^ Yes! That's how I really feel about it.
(Whoever said this was great.....LIED!)

Okay. Okay.
I digress, it's really not that bad but it sure as hell has its moments!

Motherhood has been and still is a journey for me (can you believe I am only 2 years in? And only have one?) Kudos to the mommies with more. I salute you all.

I am going to be honest. I have no idea what the hell I am doing half the time. I just wing it! Sometimes it works for the both of us and sometimes I get the crappy end. But hey, I’ll take each situation as a lesson and move on. 

Terrible Two’s.

My son just turned two (don't let that smile fool you). 
I am going to openly say, "terrible two's" is an understatement.

He really have me questioning my parenting skills. I know I am just winging it but dang am I that bad at it? Where did I go wrong? Maybe I should ask myself, is this child really mine? I mean....I didn't do this to him right? (Just agree with me, it'll make me feel better :). 

I subconsciously blame all the misfit on his father. He's not here anyway so why not throw the blame on him. Hehehe. But in real life it doesn't help. He is all mine. That's my little monster. 

Opinions, Opinions, OPINIONS.

I know I am only 2 years in with one child but what I can't stand at times is every mother has an opinion on my situation. 


I know I am a single mother and "O.M.G it's the end of the world for me" *roll eyes* but I think I got this. He's still alive right? 

So...... Please tell me how many things I am doing wrong?.....
.....I am waiting

Just off the simple fact that I am a single mother. I wonder if they harass married mothers. Hmmph..I don't know. They probably do...I mean I wouldn't leave it up to the "know it all's" to not know it all right? I rather hear a similar story to my situation or anyone with kids than to someone that can only think outside the box.

But me being me, I suck it up and put a smile on my face. 

See...  =) 

Yeah, it's a virtual smile, couldn't muster up a real one =P. 

But besides all the miscommunications, I'll keep their advice on file. 

Sleepless to Paranoid.

When my son first came home.

I literally forgot what sleep was. Sleep you say? What the hell is that??? I don’t know. I was zombie zoned. Then sleepless nights gradually turned into paranoia. You know. When your child is actually asleep but you hear a phantom cry (in your most awkward setting, meaning taking a bath, eating, if you're lucky enough sex). 

And as they get older it just becomes worst. As in you hear a cry but really trying to figure out if it is real or not. 

Yeah, those come more often than they should.

Motherhood is not a job. It's a gift and a calling.

^^ I think a man came up with that/or a mother who is completely oblivious to the crazy/upside down side of motherhood.

Yeah, it's not a job, its freaking work. 

Work for the rest of our lives. 

A gift, because it was presented to us. 


And a calling?

Do you mean? Hearing mom, mom, and mom repeatedly in a matter of a minute?

Oh okay.

Motherhood is not a job. And I am pretty sure any mother would be offended by that. Being a mother is a lifetime commitment. It's something that when happens, I hate to say this term but,  you either go hard or go home. 

It's either/or. You do the work or you don’t (give it to someone else). 

No grey side. 

Adult Relationships

Ha! Don’t make me laugh! 

First few years it’s all about baby. And I mean the one you birthed. You know the one that brings out the very best yet the worst in you. The one that you didn’t really get too much information on besides gender and mental awareness. Yeah the little baby that comes out not speaking one word of the human language yet tells us everything we need to do.

Adult relationship? Where does that fit in? …. 

It doesn't. Its either for a little while, shit, maybe even longer. Someone is going to trump someone. And it’s usually the cute little one that can’t do anything for themselves. 

So here's your life in a nutshell....


Heh, Sacrifice. 

That word alone is powerful. Powerful to the point of oblivion. No one wants to say it. But it’s there. Sacrifice knows when to come into play. It’s up to the actors to know its part. Selflessness is his cousin. They come hand in hand. If you haven’t met sacrifice and selflessness, it’s time to meet them. They’ll give you a painful yet awakening knowledge.


Don’t let those things scare you. It’s all good at the end of the night. No, literally at the end of the night when child is asleep and you get a little free time yourself. You then tend to reflect on the greater things of motherhood. 


Yes, that’s MY baby. Uh huh, he is the best person in the whole world. Yes, he trumps the guy who gave me him.


The simplest smile/littlest laughter/accomplishment will always bring joy to your heart. No matter what they do.


They can either make or break you. Shit gets real with them!


Nothing feels and will ever feel better than your child calling you mommy. It will get played out real fast. But always remember it is a privilege that have and has been denied to many.

Appreciate it.
You only get one shot.

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  1. Aww, my friend, two is NOTHING compared to three. I am sorry if this is the first time you are hearing it, but brace yourself.

    1. Lol. I have heard many times that 2 is just the beginning! I'm scared. =D

  2. I have to agree 2 is nothing.. wait until they hit teenage years.. it all start over again..

  3. This was such an honest and refreshing post to read about the realities of being a mother. My little one is going to hit the terrible twos in three months but I think they've already begun!

    1. Thank you. I wouldn't be surprised if they did. Those little ones are so unpredictable.

  4. I have those moment. I think that being a stay at home mom is way diffrent than a mom who stays at home and trys to bring in extra income. 2,3,4 its all hard.

    1. Oh yes. I work at home as well. I sometime feel like I am stuck in my own house. It has it's up and downs.

  5. I don't have any kids, but many friends with kids. My one friend's daughter is almost three and she said it's gotten worse as the daughter has aged!

    1. Consider yourself lucky. Hehehe. You would think it would be the opposite huh?

  6. I always enjoy reading your posts. You are hilarious, and you capture motherhood to a tee. We can love our kids to death but still want to wring their necks!

    1. Thank you Dawn. I appreciate that. =) And you are right! I love love love him but sheesh he can take me there lol.

  7. It's tough having kids sometimes, but super rewarding too. I love your honest opinion on what it's like to be a mother. Great post!

    1. Thank you. Yes. It's a wonderful, rewarding yet always keeping us on our toes. Never a dull moment with him.

  8. Ahhhhh I have a two year old so I totally know how you feel!!! Ughhhh..... Some days are rough lol

    1. AAAhhh!! Let's run away and never come back. Lol. Wishful thinking the minute we leave is the minute we miss them.

  9. I'm sure you'll get the hang of being a mom. 2 years old kids are the hardest to care since they start being hard headed and curious.

    1. Oh yeah. The selective hearing he has is just part of his personality. Lol. Curious doesn't even begin to describe him. =D

  10. LOL! Loved the comic.... can I call you back in a few years :)

  11. Being a mother is definitely work. It's a blessing, but it's also harder than people usually tell you...

    1. Yeah, it's like one day here's a baby and SURPRISE you figure it out.

  12. Wow, it's the chapter in your life when you gotta learn lessons in raising a child. Parenting skills can be enhanced by practice and not only by reading books and watching tutorials hehe. :) Motherhood is really tough but it's fulfilling!

    1. Yes it is. I love motherhood. I wouldn't trade it for anything. Definitely a learning experience.

  13. I'm in your boat right now. I have a 4 year old, 2 year old and two week old. Sleep sleep sleep, oh wait what is that???

    1. Oh Erica. You my friend are beautiful. I can't even imagine having another one! AAaaahhhh!! I bet being in zombie mode is just the norm now huh? Lol

  14. I hear you sista: wait till he reaches 13. My son is 13 and it is not easy. But I would not trade that feeling and smile for all the money of the world

    1. Sigh, the never ending journey of motherhood Lol. I can't wait for him to be older but I can wait at the same time.

  15. Ohh my gosh I love your pic! I am a mom of 5 and totally understand lol

    1. Lol. Kudos to you!! You deserve 5 days off. One for every child. =D If only that could happen.

  16. Hang in there. In 15 years you will look back and see you did the best job you could. Enjoy this stage before you know it he will be a teenager.

    1. I'm hanging alright. I do enjoy our time together though. The good and the bad.

  17. One day you're going to tell your son all these stories about his naughty behavior and the two of you will laugh like crazy. Thank goodness age two only lasts one year!

    1. I can't wait to tell him all his stories. I might end up being the embarrassing mom hehhehe. Yes, 3 months down, 9 more to go.

  18. I love the pictures. The terrible two's turned into terrible 3's and so on. He is now 18 and still gets mad and stomps off to his room.

    1. Thank You. At 18 and still throw tantrums. Somebody save me!

  19. I understand what you mean, my daughter is 2 now and we going through terrible 2s! It's definitely not fun but I've learnt I need to be calm because she's always trying to test me. You a good mother, dont ever think otherwise.

    1. Aw thank you Shaney. I try my best to be. Terrible 2's are something else I tell ya. Keeping calm does work best.

  20. I agree with everything you said and all I can say sweetie is enjoy your moments good and bad and take tons of pictures of every child you have not just your first one. Like me. I had four children 2 & 2 and now I have 10 grandchildren, but yet I'm alone. Oh I have a wonderful husband, but my children, my babies could be standing right in front of me and yet they're not my babies. My arms ache to hold my babies but they're all grown up. I miss them terribly sometimes so hug your baby and hold him tight some day he'll be a man. My dad use to say your son is your son until he gets him a wife, but your daughter is your daughter the rest of your life. Well, not so true... but I have them and my grandbabies all 10 of them... give your beautiful baby a hug for me too!

    1. Aww thank you. I will remember what you said. And implement it further more. I'm enjoying it. The good, the bad, and all the tantrums that come with.

  21. Bravo for being honest. Seriously great post and your baby is gorgeous.

  22. I remember when my kids were two. I only remember the good memories. lol. I can't recall any of the "terribles" in two.

  23. What a lovely baby - I am sure it was pretty much challenging I am not sure I can handle it in the future lol!

    1. Thank You. =) You'll be alright.....after you loose your mind. Lol

  24. I do not even know what to say it sounds so scary but lovely and funny at the same time, good luck hun you doing a good job. Your son has a cute smile and yes that fooled me lol

    1. It's all fun and games until you have a baby. Lol. Thank you. It fools everyone. =D

  25. Amber Louise EdwardsNovember 19, 2014 at 6:44 AM

    I like reading all the comments here. Thank goodness no baby problems yet.

    1. Don't do it!! Hahahaha. One day when your ready it will be all worth it. =)

  26. Welcome to motherhood and just enjoy the ride.

  27. Hahaha! I have two girls and I feel so stressed, I couldn't picture adding another!

    1. I can't even picture one more. Kudos to you mama!

  28. Kids are such a handful, but when they get older you realize how worth it the whole process was!

    1. You're right. I shall wait until he gets a little older.

  29. Kids are going to be a handful no matter what. Whether you are a single mom or not. It doesn't matter. You just do you and do things the way you see fit. My son didn't go through the terrible twos and I am still so thankful for that! hehe

    1. Lol. You lucked out. Yes, they will always be a handful. It's all good in the end.

  30. The two's can be tough. In fact, I think all ages can be tough just in a different way. But you can do it and one day he'll thank you for it (so I've been told) LOL

    1. One day at a time is right. He better thank me. Lol.

  31. Yeah, kids are hard work - but SO worth it! I have two boys under 3 and most days it's just crazy - but I love (almost) every minute of it!

    1. Almost every minute is right. He is worth it though. As much as I can complain he is just so awesome to me.

  32. Oh hun, we've all been there. I did the single mom thing with one kids for four years and got married and had five more. It gets easier and harder. You're right there with the rest of us. Keep your chin up mama, we all go through this. Oh, and um...three and four are pretty rough too!

    1. No don't say three and four are rough too! =D Thank You. I will keep my chin up and enjoy this ride of motherhood.

  33. All moms will tell you that we wing it most of the time. Don't worry about making a mistake just do what you feel is best. All moms at one time have felt like you have.

    1. I have specialized in "winging it", glad to know I am not the only one.

  34. I'm not a single mom but sometimes feels like I am lol I also blame all my son misfits on his dad! I wish I had some advice for you but being a mom is HARD! lol

    1. Lol that advice is good enough. Hard it is. =)

  35. It's hard. It's not easy. Not always fun.... but so rewarding! xox hang in there!


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