Boy's Have A Penis...

Toddler Anatomy 101 is the course of this semester.

Let’s start at the very beginning when the semester started pointing to every and anything. He came to class prepared with a zillion questions, which some I could answer and some I just gave him a puzzling look. The look of disbelief but also questioning myself on how am I going to answer that one. This little 2 year old has had me stumped on several occasion.

So when he pointed to my vagina and asked “what’s that?”. I couldn’t help but chuckle. It’s no news to my son that he has a penis. I’ve been telling him that since he was able to point to his body parts and name them. What he doesn’t understand is why mommy doesn’t have a penis. The way he points his finger with a confused face, squinting his eyebrows and the innocence in his voice. Almost make me forget that he is indeed a toddler.

When he would ask “what’s that mommy?”. The only scenario in my head I could play out is the scene from Kindergarten cop. When the little boy had it all figured out and proudly stated that “boy's have a penis, and girl's have a vagina”. I mean, technically he is right. And what more of an explanation does this toddler need? He pretty much summed it up. Why not go under his lead? Right? ….. I’m pretty sure AJ would understand.

Boy's have a penis and girl's have a vagina. Is what I would repeat to myself. As if I needed a reminder. As if I didn’t figure this out many, many years ago. I decided it was time to try and differentiate the two. He is now comprehending that we have different anatomy and is clearly asking (pointing) questions about it. So I tried to explain as best as I could.

I pointed and said "mommy has a vagina because she is a girl". "A girl is different than a boy". "And a boy has a penis because he is different than a girl". How many times can I try and change the terms but have the same meaning is beyond me but I did try.

I have no idea what else to say to this little boy. He is only two. I figured when he gets older and can fully understand the difference between male and female would be an even better time to tell him. Right???

Can you tell I have no idea what I am doing here? 

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  1. LOL. Great job, Mommy! I wouldn't imagine handling it any better. Mine didn't notice the differences at 3. Thanks for a very helpful post!

    1. You're welcome. My son is a bit precocious for his own good lol. I'm starting to think he's a little smarter than me.

  2. All we can do is try! talking to kids about stuff like this can be tricky.

    1. It is a bit tricky. I didn't want to get into full details and I damn sure didn't want to stay any longer on that topic lol

  3. I think you handled it pretty well! Thankfully, my daughter never really questioned me. But great job!

    1. Thanks. I sometimes wish I had a girl. I wonder if she would be a little bit more easier to raise. But I wouldn't trade him for the world.

  4. All you can do is your best. All he needs to know right now is that boys and girls have different parts :)

  5. You're doing it right! I am all for naming the parts what they are and not avoiding the conversation.

    1. I agree. I think it is important to keep things upfront from a little age. I do not want to get him confused or start thinking otherwise.

  6. Ahhhhh I'm dreading the day I have to do this with my princess lol.... Its such a goofy conversation lol... You're doing right though!!!

    1. Lol. It kinda is. All I could have done was laugh, because he was very serious and gong-ho on getting an answer. I couldn't leave him high and dry.

  7. Yep! Been there! We can just do our best and that's what counts! Great job!

  8. Honesty is the best policy. My kids know all about birth and where a baby comes from when it comes out. I'd rather just tell it to them straight. Good job mom!

    1. I 100% agree with you! The day he asks where do babies come from. I am going to tell him exactly where they come from. In nice presented way of course.

  9. Some schools teach kids early about the differences of the bodies of male and female. You can have him watch a documentary featuring those in a very scientific way.

    1. Ha! I never thought of that! That's a great idea! Thank You.

  10. She is one curious kid. I guess you were able to explain it the best way possible.

  11. None of us has any idea what we're doing raising kids! Just keep doing the best you can!

    1. Lol. I hear that a lot. Hahahaha. I will try my best.

  12. Nobody knows what they're doing with kids! We're all just trying the best we can and hoping they turn out okay. Haha.

    1. Lol. I only hope he grows up to be a decent, thoughtful, open-minded human being.

  13. Wow what an interesting post! So personal yet honest! Thanks for sharing!

  14. Kids are so curious nowadays! Great job explaining!

    1. A little too curious for their own good. Thank You.

  15. I think you are doing fine. I like that you taught him the correct words.

    1. Thanks. I feel that using the correct words are important.

  16. I think you did a great job. I told my son when he was little that he had boy parts and girls have girl parts.

    1. Thank You. It's best to teach them while young.

  17. haha! that is a thumbs up for you - I am no mom yet but I could learn from how you handle it.

  18. Good job in explaining! Kids are sooo curious now.

  19. I think you did fine! There's no need to go any further with that necessary, and it sounds like that's all he needed to hear at this time.

  20. You did fine! I remember telling my youngest the proper term for his anatomy when he was little, and for some reason he decided to use the word publicly and often. -_- Silly boy. ;)

    1. Lol! Too cute. Well not in public. Hahahaha. The things these kids say.

  21. I think you did just fine and when his older he will get it and maybe even have more questions

    1. That's true. That's what I'm afraid of. Aaaahhhh. Lol

  22. That is like one of my favorite movies and lines! Boys have questions LOL, good job.

    1. Mine too! It cracks me up every time. This was such a good movie though. Cute family movie.

  23. Totally normal, my two sons are very curious about body parts and I name them what they are. I remember when my, now 8 year old son, wanted to know what those things were hanging from his penis ... I couldn't decide what to call them so I called them balls. Then one day, he was running around naked at age 2 bent over forward with his hands on his balls .. I said "Aj what are you doing?!" he promptly replied "playing with my balls" I died ... omg.. no one could prepare for me for boys and I have two within two years of each other so it's like a double whammy!

    1. LMAO! OMG! This is hilarious! Hey, you can't get mad he knows the word and what they are. Hahaha

  24. This could be a really awkward thing to talk about, but it's always good to teach them about the anatomy

    1. Yes, a little awkward but better in the long run.

  25. I'm so amused. My son is already 11 and he is starting to discover things and feel things, and out of curiosity, he would ask the husband about it with that innocent look on his face. Good thing the husband is always there ready to answer.:)

    1. Aww, I wish I had that. Somethings I'm a little unprepared for, like this one.

  26. Your site is looking fresh! I love it. LOL this is complicated subject/concept for toddlers to grasp and I think the conversation is far from over. I feel ya, everytime I change my shirt Dylan runs towards me, "BOOOOBIES" with his hands out. No. Just no. lol

    1. Lol Thank You! The conversation is definitely FAR from over. When AJ sees my boobs he automatically think that they are his. Which is funny because he was not breastfeed on the boob (he was in the NICU and wouldn't latch). So it surprises me that he's all for boobs lol.

  27. Oh my gosh, I didn't expect that when the page loaded. Oh my, kids say the funniest things. Mine say some stuff I am embarrassed to repeat :)

    1. Lol. I know that stage it coming up soon. Dun, dun. dunnnn.

  28. LOL!!!! I love this post so much! my children are 8 and 11 and I still don't know what the heck I'm doing as far as talking to them LOL! One time when my daughter was 3 she told me my boobies looked like they were very very sad LOL

    1. Lol! Sad? HAahahahaha! That's an interesting word to describe breasts! I wonder what she meant by it. I bet it was totally innocent in her mind.

  29. my boys love discussing theirs. I will never understand it.

    1. I think it's a boy thing...I'm convinced it's a boy thing.

  30. Hahah! I was student teaching a few weeks ago and it was my first week alone with the kids and I had two boys tell me things about their penises! One went "Miss Dean there is a tick near my you-know-what" and the other one said "My penis hurts when I pee!" I responded the same way to both "Nurse. Now."

    1. Lol. A little too much info much? Haha. I agree, send them to the nurse. Let her handle it. =D

  31. As a mom of four, I've been through this, lol. You did just fine!

  32. You handled it flawlessly! Sadly, I probably wouldn't have known what to say if my son had asked me that at 2. ~lol~

    1. Lol. They always seem to catch us off guard!

  33. Great story! I actually remember discovering the difference and it was quite fascinating lol.

  34. Kids are so curious! And he's only two so it's just getting started. Eek!


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