5 Basic Ways To Baby-Proof

To your curious baby, your house is one big adventure just waiting to happen.   While exploration should be encouraged, you will need to make sure you have removed as many hazards as possible before your baby sets off on his journey.

In this guide I will cover the most common household dangers to your baby and how you can prevent them.

Soften points or hard edges

There will be lots of tumbles and falls as your baby learns to walk. If your baby falls on carpet there is no reason for concern. If your baby falls and hits his head on the edge of a coffee table you are almost guaranteed a trip to the hospital.

Glance around each room of your home and look for pieces of furniture below knee height that your baby could bump his head on during a fall.

Coffee tables, hearth edges, TV stands and the like will all need to undergo a baby proofing treatment. You can either remove the furniture completely or invest in foam padding to protect your little ones head in the event of a fall.

Block those Electrical Outlets

An unusual object sticking out from the wall at your baby’s head height is just begging further investigation.

A curious baby can seriously injure himself by poking objects inside an outlet.  Fortunately power outlets are ridiculously cheap and easy to baby proof.

Plastic plug covers slot into sockets you are not using and prevent anything from being poked inside.  You can pick up a pack from your local hardware store for the price of a cup of coffee.  If you are feeling frugal you can even use a couple of layers of duct tape to effectively cover unused sockets.

Watch the Wires

Many household appliances come with cords that are just that little bit too long. To your baby, a hanging lead is just begging to be pulled on.

The problem is that these cords are attached to heavy objects such as a kettle, iron or lamp. It goes without saying that if any of these were to fall on your baby, there will be tears.

Always keep an eye out for hanging cords.  You can shorten leads that are too long by coiling it up and using a zip tie or two to hold it into place.

Stair Safety

Stairs and babies simply do not mix. Your toddler can hardly walk on flat flooring without falling over.  The same goes for staircases with the added danger of your baby tumbling to the bottom.

The easiest way to baby proof a staircase is a baby gate at the top and bottom.  Ensure that the only time your baby goes up or down the stairs is under your supervision.

While on the topic of baby gates, these are perhaps the easiest way to section off areas of your house that you do not want your baby to enter. An absolute must for any new mother.

Fear the fireplace

Fires and babies simply do not mix. Your little one has no concept of the pain a hot surface can cause. This, coupled with the flickering flames luring a curious baby ever closer is a recipe for disaster.

A baby fence around the perimeter of the fireplace will stop your baby from getting too close while still enjoying the warmth given off by the fire.

Another way to keep your baby safe is to keep your little one in a baby pen each and every time the fireplace is in use. Whatever you decide, your objective is clear; don’t let your baby near the fireplace. For more baby proofing tips visit this fantastic parenting resource that I found and highly recommend.

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  1. Great tips. We didn't have many sharp edges, but our kiddo seemed to gravitate to the outlets when he was a baby. Those outlet covers are lifesavers!

    1. Outlet covers are a must. My son always wanted to plug things in and out of the outlet. The minute he started crawling over there was the minute I put the outlet plugs everywhere.

  2. Good tips! My kids can seriously find the sharp corners anywhere! LOL

  3. I'm so glad I don't have stairs or a fireplace hearth. Those darn corners can be so damaging. Great basics here!

    1. I have a fireplace and my son loves that thing! Thankfully its an electric one but none the better. Safety first.

  4. I can only just start thinking about how many things you would need to do to baby proof a home - thank you for the tips!

  5. It's funny that when I was a kid all this baby proofing didn't exist. We all turned out just fine. Accidents happen. I am not saying don't baby proof, I am just saying you can't prevent everything!

    1. I know! Isn't it amazing and we are still alive and well. But you are right accidents do happen. And you can never baby proof enough.

  6. I remember putting all sorts of stuff on the corners of all the tables when my oldest was born. But she managed to fall and hit her head on the side of the coffee table instead!

    1. Awww, they always find a way huh? My corners are circular but my son always find a way to bump his head anywhere.

  7. Great tips. I got lucky with a toddler that I never had to put in a baby play pen. She never went near the stairs until she was old enough to scoot down and up on her bottom.

    1. Oh I envy! The play pen was jail to my son and he knew it. He hated being restricted. Now the boy is just everywhere. Lol

  8. These are great tips. There are so many things you don't even think about until the baby starts moving.

    1. Yes, so true. When he started crawling, I went hands and knees looking for any and everything.

  9. The fireplace can definitely be something dangerous. We need to be aware of risks.

    1. Yes ma'am. Fireplaces are a scary and dangerous thing.

  10. We are working on baby proofing now actually. My son just turned two!

  11. It is so important to baby proof. You just never know with those quick little ones. Amber N


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